APA Format Term Paper
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APA stands for American Psychological Association. The association has guidelines on how to write term papers and so the phrase APA format term paper. Readers are able to distinguish formats used in term papers depending on the structure of the paper. APA format term paper is easily distinguished from other formats due to a number of distinctive characteristics. Among the most distinctive features of APA format term paper are the number of sections, in- text citation, referencing and the writing style. The APA format term paper has four sections namely: the title page, abstract, body and reference or the bibliography.
The title of APA format term paper is short, clear and precise. The abstract generally gives a summary of what the term paper intends to cover including a brief account of the methods of research. However, though the APA format term paper is expected to have the four sections, some instructors request for APA format term papers without insisting on the abstract. Those presenting the APA format term papers need to be clear about the requirements of the instructor. The body, which is the main part of the APA format term paper, has many parts depending on whether the research is desktop or out in the field. Normally in an APA format research term paper, it has:
- The introduction. The introduction gives the question that the term intends to answer, including the methods to be used in gathering the information
- Methods. This part explains how information was gathered especially in field research. Methods of data collection and the formulation of the questionnaire are also outlined.
- Results of the findings show how data was organized and analyzed.
- Discussion sections is the part of paper where results are interpreted
- Conclusion provides a summary of the body and gives recommendations based on the findings.
The APA format term paper uses in- text citation instead of footnotes and endnotes. The authors last name and the date of publication in brackets incase work is quoted directly the last name of the author is also included and the page number of where the quotation was lifted from. In the APA format term paper, the reference is the last part of the paper. In the references, all the sources cited in the paper are included to avoid plagiarism. The first line of the reference is at the left margin and any other line that follows double-spaced and indented at one- half from the margin. In the APA format term paper, the author's last name and year of publication come first then the title of the source, the town of publication and the publisher. . In case one cites from the source directly, there is need to include the author's last name, year of publication and a page number are indicated. There are other guidelines on writing style for APA format term paper. Listing one can use bullets or numbers. The APA format paper should have margins of 1 inch all round, double-spaced with 12 points Roman Times or courier. The APA format Term paper should also have a page header flushed left and page number flushed right. The abstract has no indentation and it is a paragraph.