Ethical and Human Rights Concerns in Global Health
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Ethical and Human Rights Concerns in Global Health
Question 1: The right of health means that every human being is entitled to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health in order to live in dignity; and this may not entirely mean to be healthy.
Question 2: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has features such as; right to standard of living, which is adequate for health of the person, and his or her family, adequate food, proper medical care, proper housing, clothing and social services
Question 3: The Convention on the rights of the child states that the child should have essential health services, which also cater for his or her family; pre and postnatal care for the mother.
Question 4: To carry out human rights approach, one should work towards obtaining the health issues such as medical care, proper housing, clothing and food for him or her and the family.
Question 5: The concerns on the right to health faces handles as in most country, this objective is placed as a distant goal; or the goal is becoming constantly a remote thing to be implemented.
Question 6: Under the umbrella of World Health Organization, the state parties are required to ensure that there is essential supply of drugs to those who are in need of them, and these drugs should not be limited to any person on the basis that is discriminatory.
Question 7: Some of the key ethical concerns when carrying out research on human subjects is when these researches are done in a discriminatory way especially based on gender or age.
Question 8: While making investments in health, it is always important to make some ethical considerations such as social inclusion, enhance affordability and make sure that this kind of investment does not contravene basic requirements such as accessibility. The investment should be aimed to make a contribution and impact to all persons irrespective of either being the minority or majority.
Question 9: In encouraging countries and their partners invest a lot in human rights especially on health, there is need to show that this kind of investment is the basis of all other forms of development, as a healthy population can work towards achievement of other developmental issues.
Question 10: The persons and the communities, which volunteer to participate in researches based on human subjects especially in finding new drugs, should be given high recognition and the states should put and dedicate the outcomes to them specifically implementing the outcomes first with them.
“Return to Sender”: Corruption in International Health in Nigeria
Question 1: It is interesting that corruption can put the lives of many on the hold because of corruption, especially when this is concerned with the derail of provision of health care in Nigeria.
Question 2: It is interesting that corruption has gone to extent in Nigeria as to make a salary or agreed amount of money reduced because of ‘kickback’, the efforts to follow to the letter on what happened would only result to jeopardizing everything and thirdly, it is funny that people can die of diseases such as HIV/Aids when it is preventable.
Question 3: The surprising thing is that corruption in Nigeria has become almost like a culture that is deeply entrenched to a point that for it to be removed completely, high strategic measures have to be taken.
Question 4: Because of the case, sympathy has gripped the better part of the heart, especially on the knowledge even a writer’s relative could die out of the disease.
Question 5: With the exposed realities, that is facing the countries such as Nigeria, corruption can be rampant in any country, and to root out this problem, we must embrace the spirit of fighting this vice both individually and collective.
Question 6: It still not clear how foreigners in a state such as Nigeria that is riddled with corruption could, as well as the local NGOs is part of the perpetuators of corruption in the country.
Question 7: To remove this problem for good, it is needed further details on how the locals and the foreigners could collaborate to make the efforts bear more fruits than they are highlighted in the case study.
Question 8: Perhaps the needed energy is to have adequate collaboration so that meaningful changes can be realized, and even though donors have been noted to be partial contributors of the rampant corruption, there is hope that renewed energy on this could help a lot.
Question 9: This case study is point on, and brings a kind of emotion and feelings that make one realize the extent of the problem, especially with the writer’s recount of experiences that unfolded in Nigeria, and this helps a lot in the whole understanding of the problem.
Question 10: However, the case study concentrates more on giving the deep problem without being emphatic and sympathetic of the problem on which can help in giving the solutions that could help in solving the problem.
Question 11: Overall, the facts on how funds are embezzled and to an extent even the writer as recounted was a victim of the extent of the problem is interesting, and we only develop a kind of empathy for the writer. Again, it is interesting that the web is wide going from down in the management to the leaders.