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My five top themes and how each theme apply to me in the context of my university work so far
From the strengthsquest analysis, I discovered that my top five themes are adaptability, responsibility, harmony, empathy and maximizer. The themes generally relate to my conduct and the various areas of my ability and through them, I am able to realize the specific areas that I am gifted in and therefore maximize my potential. Looking at the themes and the way they apply to my conduct, I discover that adaptability means I am able to adapt to any environment and situation and live positively without feeling any form of interference. Responsibility generally relates to the ability to accomplish a task that is assigned to me without asking questions on how to handle the task. This means that I clearly understand the duty that I have in ensuring that all that has been assigned to me is done as per my capability and as expected (Clifton 2002). The second theme of harmony means that I have the ability to unite people and ensure that relationships are maintained. This is usually reflected on the desire that is within me to ensure that I maintain connections and avoid engaging in activities that are likely to cause strife. In empathy, it means the ability to feel the challenges that another person has and doing all that is necessary to help him/her out. Through such a theme am able to understand situations around me and act accordingly. Finally, on maximizer, I ensure that no opportunity passes me by; I strive to ensure that I use every available moment to do something constructive.
How my themes relate to my major topics that I take in classes
The topics that I take in class generally relate to the subject of having the ability to network with people. I realize from my course that unless I have that ability to adapt to the diversity of groups I may not be able to succeed in my career life. Other people are the basis of my career life. There are different categories of people that may react differently to situations. If I posses the above themes and utilize them effectively, I would effectively understand other people and therefore work with them appropriately (Clifton 2006). During one’s career life, an individual encounters people that have been brought up in different environments and therefore having varying behaviors. One should therefore have the ability to understand other people’s nature and treat such people accordingly. I therefore have to adapt different skills of dealing with the people that I encounter. I also need to have the ability to apply the skills that have I learned to the various situations that I encounter on how I deal with people.
Specific things that I could do to help develop academic strengths
In order to have a successful career life, I need to develop academic strengths. There are basic principles that guide me and enable me to achieve the goals and ambitions that I have by adapting to a disciplined life in school. School is a place that gives me an environment to discover and exercise what lies deep within me. I therefore need to pay attention to my schoolwork and ensure that I grasp the main principles of my subject (Clifton 2002). Teachers are usually in school to provide the guidance that is needed by the students in order to succeed. Respecting my teachers and utilizing them to the maximum will therefore enable me to develop my talents and abilities. As a student, I do not need only to rely on the information that I have been given in class but I should take an extra responsibility of doing more research on the study topics. This will increase my understanding and enable me to explore on the areas that my teachers never explained.
How the themes relate to my expectations about my future career
The themes are very significant to my career life because even though they are not prominent, realizing my potentials well in advance will enable me to exercise more of the themes and ensure that I easily flow with them. In my future career, I expect to relate more with people for the reason of finding business opportunities and helping them out of their difficult situation. My career may also involve a lot of movement where I will meet people of different ethnicity and I need to understand them (Clifton 2006). The themes once developed will therefore enable me to effectively communicate and relate with them. As I move about looking for business opportunities from various people, I might encounter some that my not agree with my terms. I will therefore need to empathy with them by finding out the difficulties or challenges that may make them not to desire trying out on something new. By understanding their point of view, I will clarify everything and give them an advice that will enable them to make wise decisions. The strengthquest analysis is therefore significant in helping people to realize and know what they can do concerning the passions that lay deep within them.
Clifton D. (2006): StrengthsQuest: Washington, Gallup Press.
Clifton D. (2002): StrengthsQuest: discover and develop your strengths in academics, career, and beyond: Washington, Gallup Organization.