War on Terror
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War on Terror
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On 11th September 2001, airplanes crashed the World Trade Centre in America and the Pentagon. This marked the biggest terrorist attack on the American soil. The attack shocked very many people making them sympathetic. Many people may be remembering the September 11 attack and relating it with the possible dangers that are posed by terrorism (Kenneth, 2009). After the attack, plans were launched that would help in the prevention of any other possible attack. One of these plans included the launching of an aboard Space Shuttle. Global terrorism is a gruesome issue in itself since it leads to the death and punishment of many people who are innocent; this is because the perceived target by the attacker cannot be cleared completely of provocation (Sageman, 2004).
Ways of preventing another Terrorist Attack in USA
Following the September 11 attack in the United States of America, the country with global partners decided to wage a big War on Terrorism and by so doing arrest the terrorists and hold them accountable for the attack. Such efforts were also made to prevent an occurrence of a similar atrocity whether in the United States or in any other country (Kenneth, 2009). One thing with terrorism is that it can result to massive damages as well as loss of innocent lives. Therefore, it is extremely important to prevent an attack that may pose danger to the lives of people. One of the most important measures is to have investigations on the reasons that may make one commit an attack against you (Sageman, 2004). Americans tend to believe that most of them are created and not born terrorists. Unless a country experiences an attack, it may not look for strategic measures of preventing another possible attack, but will spend most of the time trying to make the environment look beautiful and by so doing improve the quality of life. However, if provoked, any country will have the potential to look for measures that will help in the prevention of any possible attack (Kuypers, 2006). This also means that an attack will always be triggered by something else.
There are ways that can be applied in the prevention of possible terrorist attacks. These measures help to remove all the underlying factors that make people result to terrorism. One outstanding thing is that there are attacks that may not be prevented mainly due to advancement in human technology (Hoffman, 2008). One of the major ways of containing terrorism is by forcing the people in the military to stick and live strict lives by the imposition of internationally accepted laws and guidelines when it comes to their conduct in war. This means that the soldiers will have regimented lives that will make them responsible in their line of duty (Sageman, 2004). Another thing is that these soldiers should be given good packages and allowances so that they can find their job enjoyable and profitable.
The best plan in the prevention of possible attacks should not include the futile and tireless search for the al-Qaeda group members, or the Hamas and so on. It would be more helpful if the American people changed their attitude and relationships with the outside world. This will include dropping their superiority complex and hence this will lessen the existing hatred (Kuypers, 2006). This will help in the dissipation of the attitude of the people who think of attacking the country.
Another important thing in controlling attacks is by application of intelligence mechanisms. This will comprise of collection of all reliable information on terrorism and by so doing be able to breakdown the links and procedures of any organized terrorist attack (Kuypers, 2006). In the US, there was the establishment of a new Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC), which was then placed under the command of a spy Chief; this was designed in the monitoring and control of another attack. There is also the need to improve coordination among all the federal agencies that gather intelligence information on terrorism. These should also include agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agent (CIA), the FBI and the Pentagon. This will help in curbing possible terrorism attacks and at the same time monitor any indications that may suggest a possible attack (Sageman, 2004). There was also the need to expand the CIA's counterterrorism scheme, which needed more resources. This should involve recruitment of trained analysts, use of computer tracking devices so as to improve communication and monitoring through effective decision-making (Sageman, 2004).
Inquiries after the attack pointed out some of the failures; they suggested that the counterterrorism centers suffered chronic authority differences, unassigned responsibilities that resulted to delay in passing information from one center to the other. Since then the CIA has improved its communication mechanisms to combat any possible attack (Kenneth, 2009). There should also be fast data flow in the centers so that all the gathered information will be spread very fast among different agencies. There is also the need to come up with permissive rules on information leaked to other countries as a way of limiting snooping on the American Government (Hoffman, 2008).
War on Terrorism
It is important that governments come up with workable plans, which will help in the fight against global terrorism. Denying terrorists and enemies travel permits to the country is one of the ways of rendering terrorism ineffective and particularly across borders. Another way is through strengthening protection systems overseas and along the country’s borders (Kuypers, 2006). This should include the ports, railways, roadways and airports. It would also be important to ensure that there is no smuggling of weapons in and out of the country. Another way is by disrupting terrorist routes and their capacity in operating in the country (Kenneth, 2009).
There have been measures taken to combat global terrorism through coordination among many States in dealing with crimes that connect with terrorism including smuggling of arms, trafficking illegal drugs and other dangerous materials, and even money laundering. This also entails setting up both regional and international associations that will help in the intensification of border controls (Kuypers, 2006). This will help in preventing and detecting any terrorists’ network and trafficking of illegal firearms. Some of these measures would also include the assistance of the United Nations (UN).
Measures have also been intensified in building capacities that will help control the spread of terrorism through the support of the UN. Laws governing handling of dangerous chemicals, weapons and illegal drugs have also been drafted ensuring the smuggling of such products is contained and keenly monitored. Other laws concerning prohibition of dangerous chemicals and weapons have also been drafted and are now practiced globally (Kenneth, 2009). Generally, the UN Plan of Action gives the details of the measures that are necessary in preventing global terrorism.
If all the measures mentioned above are applied competently, they will work effectively in fighting terrorism around the world. It will be concluded that terrorism is a cruel form of crime that can be done to humanity. It brings much suffering to people and making the economy hard for the government due to abrupt disruption of the economy. Therefore, failure to lay down measures to fight terrorism will lead to more damages in the future days, worse than the September 11. Today, the fight against terrorism has been left in the hands of politicians something, which may not help much in this fight (Kenneth, 2009). There should be realistic adjustments in the attitudes that are applicable in neutralizing global terrorism. Another important thing is by integrating different ethnic backgrounds to solve problem of inequalities that may trigger terrorism.
Hoffman, B. (2008): The Mind of a Terrorism: California: Corwin Press.
Kenneth J. (2009): Policing America: Challenging and Best Practices: New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Kuypers, J. (2006): Bush’s War against Terrorism: New York: Cornell University Press.
Sageman, M. (2004): Understanding Terrorism and Terrorism Networks: Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.