Imaging Special Care Groups - Pediatrics
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Imaging Special Care Groups - Pediatrics
Any accident has the possibility of posing the greatest danger to any given individual and worse for a child of less than five years. This means that such an accident can cause great damages like in our case here whereby we are having a two-year old child involved in an accident. It will be agreed that accidents sometimes tend to be inevitable since most of their happenings is usually something extremely damaging and unpredictable (Brian 2007). That being the case, the most important thing is that there should be guidelines which should be put in place whenever such operations are to be done, and especially when somebody has been involved in such an accident. Therefore, it will be noted that there will be a number of practical procedures, which may give loopholes to big problems being experienced in the entire operation. It would hence be necessary that we could come up with necessary measures, which would be applicable in ensuring that all these problems are greatly minimised. In order to have such problems being minimised, the best thing is that we should have genuine and effective physical as well as psychological care of the accident victims. The other most important thing is that there must be the constant practice and application of necessary ethical issues, which are related to the examination of any particular patient, in that connection, such ethics behind these examinations should be appropriate to such a patient, and this would help him or her in dealing with the future life.
Having talked about the above information, it would be necessary that there should be guidelines which are put in place in pediatric operations in ensuring that ethics and moral obligations in the conduct on how patients are treated in the hospital (Gerald 2008). With the case of an accident patient, possibilities are very high that there must be great damages on the victim’s body and this would be necessary for ethical measures to be taken whenever doing such treatments and radiography operations (Kennet 2009). In addition, it would be important that such people are given good care, both physical and psychological, whenever in the hospital, be it private or public. In the event such practices are not being done on these patients, it would be necessary that the hospital management take necessary actions on the violators of such guidelines. This will ensure that integrity is maintained in our hospitals, be they public or private, and that way we would achieve our goals in this field of nursing and health practices (Kennet, 2009).
Practical Problems Experienced with Abdominal Trauma Patients
It would be noted that the care for all trauma patients is something extremely demanding and an extensive process, which would require a speedy as well as an efficient operation (Gerald 2008). This means that the evaluation of patients who have been involved in a given accident is something that requires the greatest patience since there are very many problems related to such operations. Therefore, like in our scenario, the evaluation of a patient who has sustained great abdominal trauma will remain as the greatest and most challenging duties that any given nurse or medical practitioner is expected to do. This is because such an operation is extremely resource-intensive and time consuming (Gerald 2008).
To understand this better, it would be necessary that we look at some of the indications in abdominal trauma. Sometimes it would be seen that such accidents tend to result in intra-abdominal damages and injuries, which may end up being concealed in the hemorrhage. Such injuries once not properly checked and monitored might result in death and especailly when dealing with small children (Brian 2007). This also becomes complicated with patients who may have survived during the initial phase following an accident or fatal injury. This hence justifies why genuine care, both physical and psychological, is unavoidable with such patients. In order to minimize or deal with most of these complications after an accident, it would be necessary that all the nurses and medical experts are ready to give all the necessary care to the patient so that life can be made easier for him/her. This would include carrying out all the necessary operations so that everything is in order, and this would be achieved by ensuring that proper diagnosis is done, then leading the experts to the appropriate medication and psychological care for such a patient (Kennet 2009).
The problems that would be associated with abdominal trauma in patients are very many if they were to be stated one by one. For instance, the initial assessment with such patients has usually been noted to be extremely difficult as well as inaccurate (Kennet 2009). This is so because accidents will tend to result in similar injuries in the abdomen, which will often, result in tenderness, spasms and fatigue hence making the necessary diagnosis quite hard. Another thing with these practical problems is that the nature of the abdominal wall will obviously make such a diagnosis extremely difficult (Gerald 2008). For instance, the lower ribs may end up breaking; there may be pelvic damages and even having the abdominal wall being damaged. Such injuries and complications will definitely tend to mimic the abdominal trauma signs, hence making it hard to deal with such abdominal traumas. For better medical practice in such a case, it would be advised that nurses and experts should carry out repeated examinations so as to diagnose the right damage being expreineced by the patient.
Physical Care of the Patient
There is the need that any patient who has been involved in an accident is given all the necessary physical care whenever in the hospital. The first thing in the event of a patient suffering from abdominal trauma would be the evaluation of when the patient is in his or her senses and mind. This would involve making sure that all other injuries have been prioritized in the right manner (Philip, 2006). It would hence be necessary for all pediatric experts to come up with necessary incentives, which would be applied in giving patients all the necessary physical care they would require. This would be important because a good care will foster their confidence in fighting the trauma they are going through.
When it comes to physical attention of such a patient, we will have to note that physical examination should be given priority if the life of such an individual were to be in the right arms. Such an examination would be necessary so that it can be known exactly which part of the abdomen has been damaged (Philip, 2006). This is so because some of these abdominal damages and traumas may result in distracting injuries such as the alteration of an individual mental status. This means that the nurses would be required to understand the major guidelines necessary for any patho-physiology of shock and trauma.
When somebody has been involved in vehicle accidents, some form of assaults, some form of recreational accidents, or even falls he/she can succumb to such abdominal trauma, and hence the nurse should be keen to ensure that the physical case given to that particular patient is in line with the cause of the trauma. This will ensure that the necessary physical care is given to the patient. During such examination and care, it should also be necessary that all other body organs are examined for damages. Such body organs that may have been damaged include the liver, spleen, the bowel, the retroperitoneum, bladder and even the pancreas. Therefore, it would be important that the medical experts first diagnose the main damage that has been caused by the accident or injury.
During physical care for such patients, it is necessary that all the reported signs and symptoms be dealt with once they are reported. Such symptoms may include abdominal pains and tenderness, irritation or gastrointestinal hemorrhage known as hypovolemia (Philip, 2006). If the necessary physical care were to be provided to such patients, it would be necessary that there were philosophical as well as theoretical guidelines through which all the medical practitioners were bound to. That way we would have all such people engaging in the practice of all nursing concepts whenever giving all patients the necessary attention they needed (Philip, 2006). The nurses should have humane perceptions towards such patients so that they can be in a position to give them all the necessary physical care they would need. This would be more necessary when we were talking of patients from accidents, and especially with abdominal trauma. It would hence be required of these nurses to put into consideration all the holistic care in nursing, and in that connection, such a concept would be useful in any nursing practice in giving the necessary physical attention to such patients (Gerald, 2008).
During such care, the nurses should provide all the necessary materials for the patients since some might be very young and incapable of doing things by themselves. For instance, a child of two will definitely require having everything done for him if he has to survive the ordeal. This will also entail giving the child food, washing him, and making sure everything else is done for such a child. This would hence involve holism whenever giving such care to such patients. This means that anyone not supportive in giving such care should have all the necessary actions taken upon him or her. In that case we would have all our hospitals providing the patients with the necessary care.
Psychological Care of the Patient
The provision of psychological care to a patient is one of the major determinants whether or not such a patient is going to survive the ordeal. This is so because the psychological ideology of human mind has been known to have a very big impact in the mental development as well as physical enhancements in the body (Brian, 2007). This is so because many doctors have argued that the mind will be the key tool to approach if we were to give proper medication to a patient. Over the years, there have been suggestions that all patients in hospitals would require maximum psychological care if they were to get better day after day. The caregivers as well as the relatives and members of the family should give such care. Such knowledge has hence ensured the implementation of health policies in seeing that all patients are given the necessary psychological care they would require (Brian, 2007).
One of the measures is to ensure that at all time the patient is in his or her best mood disorder. This would ensure that the patient does not involve himself into deep thinking about his illness especially when it comes to small children who had been involved in an accident. This is something that should be provided to the patient without choice. Over the years, studies have revealed that most of the health-care givers and general nurses may not have been providing such psychological care to patients (Brian 2007). In that case, research should always be conducted to ensure that all patients are given the necessary attention they would need. In order to achieve this, the care-givers should make sure that they give patients of abdominal trauma the necessary encouragements and let them know that they will get better day by day, and eventually be discharged from the hospital.
Without farther arguments, it would be necessary that all hospital personnel and staff should always be ready to provide accident patients with the best psychological care because it is their obligation to do so (Kennet, 2009). This should encompass giving all the necessary advices, guidelines and words of encouragements to the patients. This is why many experts suggest that it is greatly important for anyone willing to join such a career should do so if he or she was sure that that was the right decision. This would therefore be better if such a choice was inborn, and in that case we would have no problems whenever it came to giving psychological care to our patients.
In order to give the best health care to our patients admitted in the hospital, it would be very important that all doctors as well as the nurses take some time in asking such patients what their concerns are. In that case make sure that such patients are in agreement with the health care and information being given to them (Kennet 2009). In addition, it would be necessary that such people ensure that they get the relevant information from the parents of all small children in the hospital (Brian 2004). That way such professionals would be in a position of providing good services to the patient. Such practices would therefore be useful in ensuring that the best psychological care is given to all patients in the hospital today (Kennet 2009).
Ethical issues related to the examination of the patient and its appropriateness
There are a number of ethical issues that have been raised during the moments of carrying out any radiography in the recognition and examination of anybody’s injury (Kennet, 2009). This has been the case because of the very many side effects that have always been reported with radiotherapies, their management and body damages. Some of the already ethical issues have included the enhancements of preventive measures for all ionising radiations, which may affect human beings. Such have led to implementation of regulations that govern all the professional responsibilities when it comes to radiotherapy. In that case, such radiographers would be required to apply safety precautions, and this would comprise safe handling of the examination and ensuring that everything is done in the right way, which is aimed in ensuring that the patient is not in any given way harmed by such an examination (Philip, 2006). This should also be the case with any other operation that is to be done on patient.
The other requirement is that the radiographer should use appropriate communicative skills whenever in such a practice. This means giving out the necessary information as well as advice to the patient or to the parents of the child. In our case here, the medical experts would be required not to hide any information to the parents of the two year old. This would help such parents in obtaining the necessary consent. This should also be done with maximum supervision so that the life of the patient is not in any way violated. That way, it is ensured that communication is based in the context and within all the multidisciplinary team behind the radiographic examination (Jacob, 2009). There should also be guidelines on the code of conduct during such an examination. This means that the professionals must practice all the appropriate behaviours, ethics and also ensure that they execute all necessary legal responsibilities during such operations and examinations. This entails the protection and safeguarding of the information and data from the patient, and in that case making it as confidential as possible. By doing so, it will be an appropriate thing to the patient because he will be able to make his final decision whether such an examination was worthwhile or not. In addition, the safeguarding of information gives confidence to the patient and hence he may be willing to go ahead and have such an examination carried out on him. Generally, all these ethical behaviours and codes of medical practice will be useful to the patient in all dimensions, hence giving him the necessary confidence to undergo through such medical operation or examination.
It would also be necessary that there must be medical ethics, which have to be put into consideration whenever dealing with young children like in our scenarios here whereby we have a two-year-old. In that case, it is required by ethics and codes of conduct that it should be vital that the right estimation should be done to get the age of any individual. This would be necessary in determining whether it would be possible to go ahead with a given radiographic examination (Jacob, 2009). Such a selection procedure is something that has entirely been revolving around the consent and ethical issues in medical practices (Philip, 2006). This means that it would be necessary to determine the exact age of such a child to give the appropriate medical examination, which would not give much harm to the patient. Some other issues to do with ethics have included whether or not radiologists should observe or examine any given patience without the consent of the parent. This means that it would be the obligation of the parents to give the final go ahead if such study were to be carried out. Such ethical guidelines are hence very important in all medical practices; this is so because, more often than not, most of these operations and examinations may result in death or complex complications that the patient may be forced to deal and live with for the rest of his or her life on earth.
In conclusion, it would be necessary for us to understand that the care for any given patient in our hospitals today is something we cannot take for granted whatsoever. Whenever it comes to patients from an accident, the care should take a more responsive twist so that the best of care is given to such an individual. In addition, it would not be enough for providing such a patient with physical care, but also ensuring that the care is extended even to psychological care. This is because a human being is both body and mind. The physical help will cater for the body needs while the psychological help caters for the mental needs, and these two have similar impacts on the wellbeing of any given individual (Philip 2006). This means that it would be the obligation of every single caregiver in such hospital to ensure that these patients are given the maximum care they need. There should also be maximum cooperation with the parents of small children so that their treatments procedures may work out properly. The other important thing worth mentioning is that all the above-mentioned ethical practices must be addressed whenever carrying out any radiographic examinations on a patient. This would ensure that there is no violation of personal rights as well as general human rights. Such operations and procedures would ensure that dignity and intelligence is always practised in these fields of nursing and medicine.
There are a number of necessary recommendations if proper care was to be given to patients and especially those involved in accidents. One, it would be necessary to come up with guidelines which must be followed by all nurses and medical practitioners whenever it comes to the integrity health services in the care of accident patients. Such regulations would ensure that the right mechanisms are put in place in dealing with those people who violate or do not give the patient the necessary attention and care required out of him or her. Second, it would be necessary that we have intelligence services, which are purposely specialised in dealing with accident patients. This is so because today there is no much specialization in the field of nursing and hence such nurses may not have been educated on how to deal with such patients the way it would have been if we had such career specializations. Finally, if it could be possible, all drivers should be keen enough to ensure that accidents in our roads are reduced by double-fold. This will be the final solution through which most of these problems and treatment procedures can be dealt with effectively. It would also be necessary to warn small children to be wary not to involve themselves with plays and games that may harm them in the end. Generally, there should be a number of measures that should be taken in ensuring that necessary care is given to all our patients in the hospitals today.
In order to achieve the necessary medical care to our patients, it would be necessary that our medical experts are people who have been in the field because it is a passion and not as a career. This means that, most of the people giving such medical care to our patients may have been doing it just because it is their career, and in that case we cannot expect much from them. On the other hand, if people who had such a calling were doing such operations, it would be noted that the best care and support, both physical and psychological, would offered to such patients. In addition, it would be necessary to come up with lesser damaging imaging and examination equipments whenever doing radiographies and other medical operations. This is because it will be easy to minimise most of the damages or threats posed by these operations to the patients. This should also incorporate the use of all ethical guidelines and rules so that human life is never violated in any way.
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