Plague, the terror of the 14th century, appeared to make a comeback in India and China in the late 19th and early 20th century. Describe this "comeback" and the reasons the authorities were having so much difficulty in combating this epidemic

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Begin reading for Topic 7 as per
syllabus, listen to audio lecture Topic 7A and answer the following question in 2-3
pages, double-spaced:
Plague, the terror of the 14th century, appeared to make a comeback in India and
China in the late 19th and early 20th century.  Describe this "comeback" and the
reasons the authorities were having so much difficulty in combating this epidemic.
Disease In History
Disease and the 20th Century
1894 - plague bacillus isolated by Alexandre Yersin (1863-1943)
1896 - plague outbreak in India begins, lasting to 1930 with 12 million deaths
1910 - Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) discovers Salvarsan as a cure for syphilis
1910 - Pneumonic Plague breaks out in Manchuria killing 60,000
1918 - World-wide Influenza epidemic
1920 - Second plague outbreak in Manchuria that kills 8,500
1920's - Beginning of sanitarium movement to treat TB.
1929 - Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) discovers penicillin though not in full use
until 1941
1932 - Gerhart Domacq discovers sulfa drugs from dyes.  Wins 1939 Nobel prize,
1934 - outbreak of Kaposi's Sarcoma in Nigeria that might be masking existence of AIDS.
1948 - New form of Kaposi's Sarcoma in Zaire called lubambo.
1967 - US Surgeon-General, William H. STewart declares that "the book could be
closed on infectious diseases."
1976 - First reported Ebola outbreak in world (West Africa)
1978 - Official beginning of Aids epidemic in the US.
1980 - World Health Organization declare end of smallpox  outside the laboratory
1981 - first official AIDS death in US
1982 - Survey finds 15 million lepers in the world
1983 - AIDS virus discovered.
1986 - the AIDS virus officially called HIV (Human Immunodefficiency Virus)
1990's - estimated one million deaths from TB worldwide.each year
2000 - 20 million HIV positive patients in Africa
2012 - 1.3 million world-wide deaths from TB
2013 - Beginning of new Ebola outbreak (December) in West Africa.


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